Embracing the Spring Equinox: Cleanse Your Body and Mind for Present Living

Embracing the Spring Equinox: Cleanse Your Body and Mind for Present Living At the arrival of the spring equinox, there’s a palpable sense of renewal in the air. It’s a time of transition, of shedding the old and welcoming the new. And just as nature undergoes its annual rejuvenation, so too can we refresh our […]

Navigating the Nervous System Through the Power of the Breath

DESIBODYMIND Streaming Video Platform

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we often find ourselves encountering situations that trigger our body’s innate fight or flight response. Whether it’s a challenging conversation at the office, a familial disagreement, or a moment of overwhelm, our nervous system kicks into gear, ready to react. But what if we could help soften […]

Unlocking Your Creative Flow: A Journey of Meditation and Movement

Overcoming Writer’s BlockDo you ever find yourself staring at a blank page, longing to unleash your creativity but feeling blocked? Trust me, I know that feeling all too well. As someone who thrives on expressing creativity, I’ve experienced those moments of uncertainty and hesitation. However, over time, I’ve discovered techniques that help me tap into […]

Desi Bodymind // February 2024 Newsletter

Desi BodyMind February 2024 Newsletter

Desi Bodymind // February Newsletter 2024 “Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.” – Zora Neale Hurston Photo by Dr. Natiya Guin HAPPY LOVE MONTH! In honor of February, I would like to share some ways to love and care for the bodymind. The body and the mind are interconnected and when […]

Embracing Radiance: Lessons from Leading a Yoga Retreat in Cabo San Lucas

  In the bustling world we live in, finding moments of serenity and self-discovery becomes essential. One extraordinary way to achieve this is through a wellness retreat, and my recent experience leading a yoga retreat for women in Cabo San Lucas was nothing short of transformative. Teaming up with my best friend, a naturopathic doctor […]

Desi Bodymind // January Newsletter 2024

Desi Bodymind // January Newsletter 2024 “As we arise each morning, let us determine to respond with love and kindness to whatever might come our way.” – Jack Kornfield NEW YEAR, NEW VISION Happy New Year! As we step into 2024, I am excited to expand my work and support women’s health through every stage […]

The Myth of January 1st Perfection

The Myth of January 1st Perfection The clock struck midnight, fireworks illuminated the sky, and resolutions were made. January 1st, the universally celebrated New Year’s Day, is often associated with new beginnings and the promise of positive change. However, life happens, and if the first day of the year slipped by without you diving into […]

Desi Bodymind // Thanksgiving Newsletter 2023

Desi Bodymind // Thanksgiving Newsletter 2023 “I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual.” – Henry David Thoreau Image by Dr. Natiya Guin Holiday Gifting for You and Your Bestie Looking for the perfect holiday gift for you and your best friend? Join me and one of my best friends, […]

Emotional Health During Times of Extreme Conflict

The world is tumultuous right now, and it feels like the unimaginable is coming to pass. I never dreamt that I would be raising children during a pandemic, or on what feels like the brink of war. While my daily life is peaceful, it feels like there is a seismic shift in the world, and […]

Staying Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

Eating fruits and vegetables from every color of the rainbow can do help improve your immune system and keep you healthy this season. Try eating fruits and vegetables from every part of the color spectrum to boost your immunity and keep you energized for work and family responsibilities. Here is a quick key to the […]

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