Unlocking Inner Strength: The Interconnection Between Core Strength and Mental Health

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, let’s dive into the intricate relationship between physical and mental well-being. While we often treat physical fitness and mental wellness as separate domains, the truth is they are deeply intertwined. Consider this: the key to unlocking your inner strength lies precisely at the intersection of these seemingly distinct […]

Teacher Training

I have 2 degrees in exercise science and countless certifications in yoga, fitness, and dance. Even with my background, I remember when I found out that I was pregnant the first time, I really wanted a lot more information on what was safe in terms of movement during pregnancy. I found some great resources, but […]


There are many different types of families in this world as I saw so beautifully reflected at a recent event at my older son’s school. There were single parents, step parents, and grandparents who were all there to celebrate our children. The children danced to songs from around the world and recognized different types of […]

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