Pregnant Olympian and Inspiration for Moms-to-Be
Kerri Walsh Jennings is a personal inspiration to me. In addition to being an amazing athlete and having the best nick name ever ‘six feet of sunshine,’ she won the Olympics while she was 5 weeks pregnant! Pregnancy is an amazing time in a woman’s life and although most of us are not training for the Olympics, we are training for one of the biggest physical events of our life; labor and delivery. We never know how long labor will last, it could be an hour, it could be a few days, but however long it is, it is important to be prepared body, mind, and heart.
During my pregnancies I created specific sequences to help empower women with endurance, strength, and flexibility. These are all tools that we can put in our toolbox for the journey of motherhood. My new videos with Beachbody on Demand share my techniques for empowering women with the physical strength and adaptability that they need for pregnancy and beyond. I have integrated over 20 years of experience in exercise science, yoga, fitness, and personal training to help Moms stay strong and ready for the joy of motherhood.
I encourage you to listen to your body during pregnancy and when you need rest, take rest. On the other hand, if you are having a day with great energy, work with that energy to keep your body strong and flexible as your baby grows inside of you. One of the many tips that I can offer you for exercising while pregnant, is to talk to your baby as you begin. During my first pregnancy I would close my eyes and say ‘Cruz, mommy is going to exercise now so that I can be strong for you and for me. I promise to listen to my body and to you if I need rest or water. I love you.’ If you do not know the name of your baby yet, that’s ok, choose a term of endearment like ‘my baby,’ or ‘my daughter.’
If you are pregnant, or know someone who is, I invite you to check out the Beachbody on Demand site and enjoy the videos that we have created for you. There are lots of great moves for strength and flexibility for each trimester. Here is a link for a sneak peek.