Brain Fog? It Might be Gluten Sensitivity

Back in early 2020, when I was working as an executive in an office, I noticed some symptoms of brain fog mid morning. I realized that I was eating a bagel every morning and decided to try something different. Within a week I felt like a new person, with mental clarity restored. Here’s some information to consider if you have been experiencing brain fog.

Gluten, a protein commonly found in wheat, barley, and rye, has become a topic of much interest in recent years due to its potential impact on our digestive and overall health. While celiac disease is a well-known gluten-related disorder, many people may not realize that they are gluten-sensitive or intolerant. One common symptom of gluten intolerance or sensitivity is brain fog.

Brain fog is a term used to describe a feeling of mental confusion, lack of clarity, and difficulty focusing. It can affect a person’s ability to think, remember things, and stay on task. Although brain fog has many potential causes, recent research suggests that gluten may be one of them.

Several studies have indicated that gluten can trigger inflammation in the body for some people, even if they do not have celiac disease. This inflammatory response can impact the immune system and create a variety of symptoms, including brain fog.

One theory suggests that gluten can contribute to brain fog by causing intestinal permeability, which allows toxins and other harmful substances to leak into the bloodstream and reach the brain. This can create cognitive dysfunction and lead to symptoms of brain fog.

Additionally, gluten can potentially disrupt the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain, leading to symptoms of brain fog. Neurotransmitters are chemicals in the brain that help to regulate mood, cognition, and various bodily functions. If the balance of neurotransmitters is disrupted, it can lead to a feeling of mental fog.

If you suspect that gluten may be contributing to your brain fog, the first step is to eliminate it from your diet for a period of time to see if your symptoms dissipate.While gluten sensitivity and intolerance are not new concepts, it’s important to understand their potential impact on overall health, specifically brain function. If you’re experiencing symptoms of brain fog, eliminating gluten from your diet may be worth considering. As with any dietary changes, it’s important to work with a healthcare professional to determine the best course of action.

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